Is technology affecting our health?

Research carried out in California has found that children whose mothers lived near cables or pylons when pregnant or even used microwaves and hairdryers are more predisposed  to have asthma.  

Elecro-magnetic radiation is considered by many health experts to be damaging to our immune systems and to be responsible for many of today’s epidemics such as allergies. However, technology companies and ‘experts’ very quickly quash such findings.  Scientists at Kaiser Permanente Division of Research in Oakland, California, claimed that the incidence of asthma was three times greater when mothers had been exposed to excessive electromagnetic fields.

Will we ever know the truth about the effects on our health of mobiles phones and wireless technology? Or will it be as some people predict that in the future they will be regarded as smoking is now – a big health hazard? 

Schools could be pushed to ban mobile phones and wi-fi networks because of the alleged damage to children’s developing brains. The Council of Europe is following up on recent research and is also concerned about portable phones and baby monitors in the home.   With one third of the world using mobile (cell) phones it’s hard to go anywhere now that is away from the electro-radiation that is around us all the time.  It has also been claimed that it causes permanent damage to DNA in our body cells.

It is a fact that it’s hard to get away from an electronic environment now wherever you go because there are always phone masts and wi fi systems, even in remote areas.  So even if you decided to make a stand yourself it would make little difference.

Feeling exhausted?

Natural health advocates believe that at best electro-radiation saps our energy, leading to tiredness, lethargy and depression.   People with chronic fatigue syndrome are well advised not to sleep in rooms with mobile phones or wireless networks.  The best we can do as individuals is to switch everything off at night, and not have the mobile by the bed as an alarm (a popular habit among young people). 

The other similarities to the tobacco industry are that any studies carried out by the mobile phone or computer industry seem to claim that there is no harm whatsoever. Once again the consumer is left wondering, and as this technology is not only an integral part of our lives, but also very profitable for the companies involved, it’s unlikely it’s going to disappear any time soon.

Fertility and hayfever claims

Further research claims that laptops may also affect male fertility by damaging the sperm and fragmenting DNA.  The first study into laptops claims that men who rest them on their laps – rather than on a desk – are much more likely to be affected, according to researchers from Nascentis, a reproductive medical centre in Cordoba, Argentina. Wi-fi radiation affects sperm motility, or movement, and damages the DNA.
There is a new theory that the increase in hayfever may be due to high levels of electromagnetic radiation. The premise is that all the technology we have around us is emitting such high levels of electromagnetic waves that we are more prone to allergies such as hayfever.  This is supposedly because of the numerous vibrations in the atmosphere bombarding our skin, which senses them as alien invaders, thus telling the brain to produce a reaction.
Blinded by Science is by Matthew Silverstone and is available on Amazon – click on our Amazon carousel on the home page.

Matthew Silverstone is a serial entrepreneur. His career came to a halt due to the illness of his son, for whom he became a full time carer. It was watching the lack of medical help from the established sectors of science that led him to start questioning everything that he had been told about science and health. His son has since made a full recovery.

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