Sleep tight

sleep problems

Almost of half of women in the UK don’t get a good night’s sleep.*  Sleep is a very precious thing and we only think about its quality when we aren’t getting enough.

A key reason for not sleeping well is worrying. It keeps the brain whizzing round and round at night, while all we want to do is sleep.  This month’s competition prize is for a set of Rescue Night products, that are invaluable when it comes to calming down and getting a good night. Go to: Rescue Night Competition.

HEALTHY SOUL TIP: Wear earplugs if the person next to you snores!!

Researchers found that the cells in the brain allow us to sleep  are eroded as we get older. A  study of 45 elderly people from the age of 65 until they died at around 89, found that people with fewer neurons in the ‘sleep switch’ area of the brain complained of sleepless nights.

Why we need a good night

Few people realise the importance of a good night’s sleep – during the night while we are dreaming our bodies are healing themselves. We need sleep like we need healthy food, water, exercise and clean air. In a world full of technology, caffeinated drinks and plenty to worry about, many people spend their nights tossing and turning.

N2K_Stress_2011_6mmToo  little sleep makes you feel as if you can’t cope, and can lead to anxiety, depression and serious illness.  Read Stress – The Essential Guide by Frances Ive. 

Reasons for insomnia:

• Stress and anxiety
• Menopause
• Physical discomfort
• Relationship problems
• Money worries

Sleeping tips

  • • Wind down before bed time, play relaxing music or read.
    • Have a bath with a few drops of either lavender, neroli or geranium oil in them just before going to be.
    • Avoid stimulating films just before heading upstairs.
    • Take a natural sleep aid like Rescue Night or Good Night, which don’t leave you feeling drowsy like sleeping tablets do.
  • Cut out caffeine in coffee, tea and colas –  drink decaffeinated , coffee substitutes or herbal teas.
    • Don’t drink too much alcohol – it dehydrates you and disturbs your sleep.

*Survey of over 4,100 UK adults, supported by the Sleep Apnoea Trust Association (SATA) and conducted by YouGov for ResMed Ltd.



Featured products
Rescue Night Dropper Bach Flower Remedies 10ml £8.71
Rescue Night Liquid Melts Bach Flower Remedies 28 capsules £9.88
Rescue Night Spray Bach Flower Remedies 20ml £10.71
Noctura for Insomnia Nelson’s 72 pills £6.12
Good Night (Hops, Passiflora, Vervain, Valerian) Bio-Health 50 tablets £5.60
Lavender oil (high altitude) Absolute Aromas 10ml £7.61
Neroli oil (5% dilution) Absolute Aromas 10ml £8.98
Geranium oil Absolute Aromas 10ml £9.22
Put in the promotion code: HSoul1 at to get a 5% discount!


Electro-magnetic radiation

Technical experts may say it isn’t proven, but natural therapists and doctors believe that too much technology around you at night can disrupt your sleep. Can it really be conducive to relaxation to have mobile phones, computers, wireless networks and the like all around our homes?  Some people can literally feel the pulsing of electronic circuits, so try the following if you’re having trouble with sleeping:

• Keep mobile phones off or out of the bedroom.
• Don’t have an electronic clock right by the bed, and preferably not in the room – try a traditional clock.
• Don’t have TV in the bedroom, and certainly not on standby.
• Switch off computers and wireless networks at night.
• Turn off electric toothbrushes, and anything in the bedroom with a little red light.

Other causes

There might be other reasons for not sleeping – such as menopausal symptoms or someone making a lot of noise snoring!

• If night sweats are a problem during the menopause they will prevent sleep
• Menopause itself often contributes to insomnia – in both cases look at Coping with menopausal symptoms to find solutions
• If sleeping is a problem in winter read the article on SAD


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